Sunday, 25 April 2010


Losing pounds makes us feel amazing.
Makes us feel light, airy, and wonderful.
But how much is a 'lot' of weight loss?
When the magazine says someone lost 200 pounds, you think... Wow.
That's a lot.
But to lose 200 pounds, you have to weight at least 200 pounds. If not 300.
For us, 1 pound is too little,
4 pounds - too little
10 pounds, 20 pounds - not enough.
When is it too much.


Hillary said...

I think.. ana stays forever, once you've it. But, maybe not always as strong. At some point we will realize that we cannot continue this forever and it will either be recovery..or death. It's the only two options. Maybe some of us will be happy once we reach our "goal weight" but..most of us find that it's not enough, not thin enough, and we set a new goal, but will that be enough? Something will change. Everything and everyone does, and we will decide whether to keep ana and possibly slowly die with her or recover, even if we would be disgusted with that thought now.

And thankyou for your comment, I would try that.. maybe it means I'm not committed enough to this, but whatever. I'd rather have him and eat than be without and starve.

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