Monday, 18 October 2010

I was thinking.

And reading.
Reading my old blog posts. I miss myself. I miss that girl that was 104 and getting lower lower lower...
I miss myself. I've lost myself. It's the kind of feeling you get when you lose your page in a book, or when you realise the world keeps turning no matter how tired you are. No matter how much you want it to stop for a few minutes, to let you rest.
I miss J. I miss me. I miss being little. I miss seeing colourful things. I miss being a virgin. I miss being at school. I miss being innocent.

I'm scared.
That's not okay.


Rachel said...

Hey huni - I'm so sorry you not feeling great at the minute, I feel similar.
I know I'm not blogging at the minute, but I'm still around on blogger, so if you need me, I'm always here. And I mean that - I'm always here.

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