Saturday, 10 July 2010


Well. Didn't go quite as planned but I had fun!! I turned up with my friends at J's house this afternoon, only to find the key didn't fit the door. I thought I must have picked up the wrong one so I was really mad at myself, then I tried the handle and it opened. Then a woman came into the kitchen (where we were) and asked me who I was, so I asked her who she was and what she was doing in my boyfriends house. Apparently she LIVES there now! J only went to prison on Thursday and that's when she moved in!!! I was pretty mad about it, and I don't even think he knows...I don't know what he's going to do now, but he can't go back into a guest house. It's bad for him.

I've had a little stack or mini pancakes and a slice of pizza all day, plus minor alcohol intake, so all is okay. I miss J though. A lot. Me and my friend are thinking about doing the master cleanse together whilst her dad is away, but I have no idea how to get a bunch of fresh lemons into the house without anyone realising lmao....nevermind...we'll see!


Hillary said...

I've the same problem lol. I want to do the master cleanse aswell, but it's just like everyone will notice/question why I'd have a ton of lemons suddenly lol
But I'm sorry about J's apt/the party :/ I hope it gets sorted soon

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