Saturday, 17 July 2010

I don't know how to explain it.

I thought I tried fet. But this was something so different it's unbelievable. I wish I'd been writing this 12 hours ago, so I could really explain. Seconds after I took it, it hit me. BIG time. I felt a rush to my neck and could taste it and wow. Head change. Completely amazing. I was unable to breathe for about 5 minutes, then J went upstairs for someone to get him. I was on my own in that little room, and (crazily, I'll admit) I started trying to find more fet on the tables and yeah...I went pretty much crazy for a few minutes. Then J came back down and cuddled me and told me to be calm and that this was the best it'll ever get, that it'll never be the same again. I started crying (God knows why...I felt amazing) then we talked for a while before going into his friend's room. That was about half fourish and I took it at four. I had to leave for my birthday party (it's my birthday by the way :)) at about half 5, but I was a bit late home and didn't get there til six. So I got ready reaaaally quickly and then people started arriving. It was amazing. You can't actually explain how it feels. It's like a major buzzing sensation in all of your body, but the max. I barely ate anything all night because I couldn't salivate and it tasted like shit :) That made me happy. I was so elated and happy and all I wanted to do was talk and host and have a good time. And I did!!! The only downfall is that I had 4 people to sleep over, which was great until about 3, but then everyone was falling asleep, 'cept me. Now I'm here, at the other side of the room, buzzing like a little bee. They are all such cute sleepers!! So, I've barely eaten anything yesterday, but on the downside, I'm going out for a meal with my sister and parents tonight. I'm going to enjoy it as best I can though, because I feel good and happy and wonderful and I only turn 16 once. I love my boyfriend. I love my family. I love my friends. I feel like I'm in ecstasy.
More later on, about tennish xxx


Rachel said...

Happy Birthday Lillie, I'm glad you had such a good time.
Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not telling you not to take it I just wanna ask you to be careful cuz I'd hate to see anything happen to you.
I'm so glad to hear you in such a positive mood, I really hope the meal goes okay. And Happy 16th

Hillary said...


...and I agree with Rachel >_> I don't mean for it to sound rude, be careful, we care about you :]

vanishingact said...

I'll be very careful my dears, don't worry. If I do it again it'll be upon rare occasion, probably when I'm desperate to lose weight. :) I'll be safe!

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